Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No longer a baby.

So today my baby graduated....from kindergarten that is.  This was my last kindergarten graduation and it is bittersweet.

 When Adam graduated from kindergarten I felt pride and releaved.  Now he would be in school all day and I could get a little break.  Not a big break , but a VERY little one.  Ben and Josh were both still very little and I would now only have two at home all day.  I did have some tears, but they were from the pride that I had.  Okay... and maybe a little from the fact that he was forgotten in the slide show because he was the only ISD kid.

  Two years later came Benjamin's kindergarten graduation. He was so proud of himself.  He loved school.  He was a social butterfly and still is.  He is also tender hearted.  He is a very sensitive kid and I love this about him.  I didn't get tears at all with this one.  I was in somewhat of a funk when Ben was in kindergarten.  I had a very crazy work schedule and retail is not a forgiving career when it comes to kids. I was still trying to balance my work schedule and my family time and it wasn't working well at all!

  Fast forward two years later and here we are today!  It's Joshua's turn.  All he has talked about for the last week and a half was graduation.  When he woke up this morning he wanted to wear his "church cloths and shoes" as he put it.  I always lay down with him in the morning to wake him up because he is NOT a morning person.  This morning he woke up, smiled and said "graduation day today and lazy day tomorrow."  He ate his cereal and was ready before Ben even finished eating. He couldn't wait to get to school today.  He has really grown up this year. This graduation was a lot different than the others.  Not only was this my baby, but it was the realization that he wasn't a baby.  I had tears!  I had a lot more tears than I ever thought I would.  I have a few right now as I write.  My baby is no longer a baby.

  Our family has had a lot of changes in the last four years.  One thing has stayed the joy of being their mom. 

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