While I was getting my pjs on tonight and thinking about my day I was wondering how people take me. What I mean is that sometimes I say things, and then hours later think, wow did I really say that. I hope that I didn't offend anyone or that they didn't take it the wrong way. I guess that sometimes I just don't know how to filter very well and say things that I don't really mean or they just come out different than what I'm saying in my head. This is the reason Matt didn't talk to me the morning of Mothers Day. I lost my filter and said something wrong.
Tonight the boys and I went to my sister-in-laws for a Creative Memories party. I was asked where on the Autism Spectrum Adam was. It was a question from someone who has a child that is being tested for Aspergers. It was a great question and I'm not the type to be offended by things. My answer is that he has Autism however he is potty trained and his is vocal but doesn't communicate well. So maybe my answer wasn't that great. I was really kind of caught off guard with this. No one has ever asked me this before so I really didn't know how to answer. My SIL was quick to jump in and say that Adam is higher on the spectrum than a child with Aspergers. I really sounded like a fool. I mean really who just jumps in and says "Well he uses the toilet and can talk." Okay, maybe I didn't use those exact words but that what I was thinking while getting my pjs on. I can't believe that I would say something like this. This woman is going through testing for her son and here I am making light of it as ususal. Sometimes I forget that some people are just starting this journey and that in the beginning you want to hide from it and everyone. That some days you question God on why this is happening. I've never been a "why me God?" person. I'm not that way now, but for a short period of time I was. I know that His plan was for Adam to be mine. I'm so very thankful that He gave me this child. I do however sometimes forget how hard it is for a parent when they are just starting this whole ASD thing. A while later Adam called me to look at his tooth because it was bleeding. He sat down on the couch and I was telling him that I would take him to the dentist. Both my sisters-in-law were telling him how they go to the dentist and he started yelling at them to stop talking to him. I'm thinking that maybe the woman who asked about the spectrum just might know where he falls now.
After reading this I was reminded how when a someone told me that they got a diagnoses I was happy. I actually said "Oh thats great." I mean who says that?!?! What I should have said was "Finally you got some answers. Do you have any questions? " or " This was helpful for me..." No I was all smiley and happy that she got a diagnoses. I guess I'm a glass half full kind of person.
Oh and I also want to take a quick moment to say sorry about my bad grammer and poor spelling. I was reading some of my posts and WOW there's a lot of mistakes. Please keep in mind that I write when I really should be in bed so I don't really pay much attention to the mistakes. So it 12:10am and I have to be at the playground at 8:30am for tee ball pics so I guess I better get off here.
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